Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. Real-time popularity on IMDb. Shubh and Aastha are married and as she becomes the daughter-in-law of the rich Ranawat family, Aastha has to constantly find ways to balance the responsibilities of a daughter and a daughter-in-law. Retrieved 20 August The Verdict - State Vs Nanavati. Payal gets married to Swayam by making everyone think she is Aastha. babul ka aangann chootey na song

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Kka she fulfill both the roles with equal panache? Aastha marries but her life is an act of balancing the responsibilities of a daughter-in-law and the duty of a daughter. The Verdict - State Vs Nanavati. Most Anticipated Indian Movies and Shows. Real-time popularity on IMDb.

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Payal destroys the relationship between Aastha and Shubh to get back at Shubh's older brother Swayam who she had fallen in love with. Eventually, it is revealed chootry the real culprit behind both Swayam and Shubh's murders is their own brother Saksham.

Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Current broadcasts on Sony Entertainment Television.

Choootey Hindi Movies and Shows. Select any poster below to play the movie, totally free! Pageviews for each item are divided by the aggregate number of pageviews generated by the items displayed.

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In a bid to do right by the family, she herself calls the police and Saksham is arrested. Baul title is ranked according to its share of pageviews among the items displayed.

Later, Payal pretends to like Shubh just to create a rift between Shubh and Swayam. The Times of India.

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By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. He assures Aastha that he will help her look after her parents and that she would be able to shoulder their responsibility even after marriage. The story ends with Aastha and Sulochana embracing and waiting for Aastha and Shubh's aangahn to fulfil the vacuum in their lives. All aanbann of Sony Entertainment India.

Edit Storyline Aastha marries but her life is an act of balancing the responsibilities of a daughter-in-law and the duty of a daughter. At the ritual, the secret behind the death of Shubh's grandmother is revealed. Watch our exclusive clip.

Views Read Edit View history. Shubh and Aastha are married and as she becomes the daughter-in-law of the rich Ranawat family, Aastha has to constantly find ways to balance the responsibilities of a daughter and a daughter-in-law. Aastha and Shubh, with Veeru's help, investigate and play an elaborate charade faking Shubh's sobg and scaring Mahen, Shubh's brother-in-law an dher sister Deepa's husband, to finally confess to the rape.

Swayam, who didn't know who Aastha was in the first place, believes her to be Payal. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Retrieved 14 November — via aanganb. This page was last edited on 12 Septemberat However, Aastha and Shubh's friend Veeru takes the blame.

Babul Ka Aangann Chootey Na - Wikipedia

Explore popular and recently added TV series available to stream now with Prime Video. Full Cast and Crew.

Archived from the original on 14 September Edit Cast Series cast summary: Later that night, Aastha's sister Shilpa, who was travelling with the Ranawats is raped at their palace and suspicion falls on Shubh. List of former shows.


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