As each method has its advantages, the selection of the test method should be determined by local practices or by the appropriate authorities. This schedule includes solid objects of non-radioactive material having a radioactive material distributed on its surfaces which: Contact names and addresses of designated national competent authorities responsible for the safe carriage of grain and solid bulk cargoes. Very dusty, light cargo. Bilge wells shall be checked regularly for the presence of water. The rough cinder lumps are called clinkers and are shipped in this form to avoid the difficulties of carrying cement powder. imsbc code 2011

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Relaties 0 relaties gevonden bij document. It remains the prerogative of each Government to assign this responsibility. Where this is impracticable, they shall be operated as weather permits and in any case for imwbc reasonable period prior to discharge.

Shippers shall provide to the master prior to loading comprehensive information on the cargo and safety procedures to be followed in the event of emergency.

imsbc code 2011

The ship's fixed CO 2 fire-fighting system shall not be used for this purpose. Risk of explosion at high dust concentration. CARRIAGE Moisture from condensation, cargo heating or leaking hatchcovers may cause formation of phosphoric or phosphorous acid which may cause corrosion to steelwork.

Iimsbc this proves ineffective, endeavour to stop fire from spreading and 2011 for the nearest suitable port. Depending on the source, it is tan to dark grey, dry and dusty.

IMSBC Code comes into force

However, these schedules are not exhaustive and the properties attributed to the cargoes are given only for guidance. Bulkheads between the cargo spaces and the engine-room shall be gastight.

Persons who may be exposed to the dust component of the cargo shall wear personal protective equipment including goggles or other equivalent dust eye-protection and respiratory protection as necessary. Liable to cause oxygen depletion in cargo space. Greenish, brown or beige in colour. Divisions provided to meet these requirements shall not be constructed of wood.

imsbc code 2011

Not combustible by itself, but mixtures with combustible materials, are easily ignited and burn fiercely. Carbon dioxide may also be produced. A damp powder with a slight smell of ammonia.

imsbc code 2011

Grey, round steel pellets. Acceptance of an exemption authorized under this imssbc by a competent authority not party to it is subject to the discretion of that competent authority. Inhalation of dust is irritating and harmful. Stow evenly across tanktops. For a Group Vode cargo, the actual moisture content and transportable moisture limit shall be determined in accordance with a procedure determined by the appropriate authority as required by section 4.

Geldig vandaag Dit onderwerp bevat de volgende rubrieken. In case of ingress of water into the holds, the risk to the stability of the ship through dissolution of sugar formation of a liquid base and shifting of cargoshould be recognized.

Due consideration should be given to the effect on the stability of the ship due to accumulated water. In the case of ingress of water into the holds, there is a risk to the imsbd of the stability of the ship through dissolution of this cargo formation of a wet base and shifting of cargo.

IMSBC Code: International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code and Supplement, Edition (IHE)

The bilge system of a cargo space to which this cargo 211 to be loaded shall be tested to ensure that it is working. Although the cargo surface may appear dry, undetected liquefaction may take place resulting in shifting of the cargo. The primary aim of the International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code IMSBC Codewhich replaces the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes BC Codeis to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of solid bulk cargoes and instructions on the procedures to be adopted when the shipment of solid bulk cargoes is contemplated.

This phenomenon may be described as follows: Dolomite may sometimes, incorrectly, be used to describe a material consisting of the oxides of calcium and magnesium dolomitic quicklime. Appropriate safety precautions shall be taken when entering the cargo spaces, taking into account the recommendations developed by the Organization.

If in doubt, expert advice should be sought as quickly as possible. This cargo is harmful if swallowed.


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